donderdag 5 juni 2008

Thai Style Spinach Tofu Curry with Peanut Sauce


I haven't posted anything here in a while, partially (I suppose) because I'm really lazy and partially (I suppose) because I'm aware that no one is reading this. Ah, but this blog is for me and my own private usage I've decided!! Those of you who refuse to read it.......won't read this,

BTW I realize the photo isn't of the best quality, but it is an actual picture I actually took of the actual finished product, and that should count for something. The camera isn't even ours - our camera broke. This one is a very crappy one which we borrowed from our friends.

OK here are the ingredients:

For the main thingy
2 Pkgs Tofu
3 med. Onions
2 cups frozen chopped spinach
1 pkg or can tomato pieces
2 garlic cloves
2 tspn. curry powder
2 vegetable stock cubes
2 tablespoons soy sauce

For the peanut sauce
(This is made in mind with having lots left over so you can use it on salads and things for weeks to come as it is delicious. That is, of course, unless you do what I did and accidentally spill it all over your kitchen floor).
6 cloves garlic
2 red chili peppers
fresh ginger (about the same amount bulk wise as the garlic)
About 3/4 cup peanut butter
About 1/2 cup olive oil (Did I mention this isn't exactly diet food?)
2 or 3 table spoons soy sauce
Salt to taste

Also make some rice. Surely I shouldn't have to tell anyone how to do that??

Whoops! I have to go. I'll post cooking instructions later.

1 opmerking:

Sharon zei

Hi - I found your blog and thought you might like to see mine. Not sure which part of Belgium you're in but maybe you can give me some recommendations of restaurants!