dinsdag 13 januari 2009

Vegan Cheese Alternative!!!


OK. Today I absolutely love me, because I invented this fabulous recipe. Well to be honest I got the idea from it online, but the only similarities between mine and that one are the base ingredients. The other recipe was written by a very confused hippy I think, because they sort of listed the base ingredients (potatoes and corn meal, as you'll see below), then they gave suggestions of other things you might put in there, then gave a sort of impotent attempt at preparation instructions which then just sort of faded off halfway through having never told anyone anything. So........I figured out my own thingy!!

It tastes pretty darn close to cheddar cheese. Not exactly, and the consistency is nowhere near of course, but pretty darned close and certainly good for sandwiches or when you're standing near the refrigerator pretending that "sampling" isn't really "eating".


Boiled Potatoes - 750 grams (a little over 1 1/2 pounds)
Corn Meal - 3 tablespoons
Popcorn, popped and smashed (Yes, I said popcorn!!) - 1 microwave bag full.
Vegan butter - 3 tablespoons
MSG - 1 teaspoon
Apple Cider Vinegar - 1 tablespoon
Pumpkin Seed Oil (or any other vegetable based oil!) - 1/2 tablespoon
Yeast (that "Nutritional Yeast" stuff if you can get it!) - About 42 grams (just under 1 1/2 ounces)
Lemon juice - 1/2 tablespoon
Paprika - 1 teaspoon
Cumin - 2 teaspoons
Turmeric - 1/2 teaspoon
Salt - 1/2 teaspoon

To kick it over the edge add:
Onion flakes - 4 teaspoons
Garlic powder - 1 teaspoon


Peel and boil the potatoes. When they are just done (not too too done!), drain them and mash them up. Then with a fork, one by one smash in the rest of the ingredients! It should have the consistency of peanut butter when you're done. Put it in the fridge in a flat Tupperware thing with a lid and let is chill and go all solid for a few hours. You can slice it or spread it, whichever you prefer. It should last about 3-4 days in the fridge. Probably you will eat it all before that though because it's fab.

BTW, not only is this delicious, it also has FAR LESS FAT and FAR FEWER CALORIES than regular cheese. I don't know what the calories are "per serving", because I have no idea what a "serving is, but below I've provided the nutritional information including calories for THE WHOLE THING:

Nutritional information if you were to eat the WHOLE THING:

Calories: 1,290 (but remember, that's for the WHOLE THING)
Fat: 38.5 grams
Carbohydrate: 218.2 grams
Dietary Fiber: 21.9 grams
Protein: 22.7 grams

Just as an FYI, the same amount of real cheese would have 3,146 calories and 242 grams of fat (of which 149 would be saturated fat). Plus you'd break out, have bad dreams if you ate it before going to sleep AND you'd be eating fermented cow juice.

donderdag 8 januari 2009

Vegan Pancakes!!!


As you might know if you read my "actual" blog (http://cafejovanka.blogspot.com/), I have recently taken the leap from Vegetarianism into Veganism. Hooray! And I'm finding out that there are a gazillion ways to make vegan versions of things that are not just as good but BETTER than the non-vegan originals! Try this and I defy you not to love it. It's really fast and easy, too!

Serves 2 people (or 4 if you're being sensible)


1 cup flour (any kind)
2 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 cup soymilk (Vanilla flavored soymilk makes it even better!)
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
A few drops vanilla flavoring

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl then pour onto a preheated (medium high) non-stick frying pan. test the edges with a spatula and when they get rubbery slide the spatula under them and flip them over. It really only takes about 2 or 3 minutes.

Serve them up with organic maple syrup and prepare to lap up the praise.