dinsdag 18 november 2008

Baked "Fish Style" Tofu on Toast - Under 300 Calories Per Serving!


I am on a diet right now. Some meat eaters have a myth about vegetarians always being skinny, but oh are they wrong my friend. We can be chubby. Believe you me. Maybe we can't ever approach the someone-needs-to-knock-a-wall-down-and-fetch-us-out-of-our-house-with-a-forklift obesity of some meat eaters, but we can certainly eat enough delicious vegetarian food to not be able to fit into any of our jeans and have to wear sweatpants everywhere.

This recipe was taught to me by a fabulous lady called Marie-Jeanne. Marie-Jeanne has been a vegan for 40 years and runs a vegan animal rescue sanctuary in the Flemish Ardennes. She is such an animal lover that you aren't allowed to wash your hands if there's a tiny spider in the sink and mice are welcome guests in her house and come for their dinner every afternoon. She is who I want to be when I grow up.


That's why I was rather shocked one day when she said she was making fish for lunch. Really??? What happened to your principles? What's going on? She seemed to be giggling about something and then I saw why: What she had made was this baked tofu dish. Whew! The spider in the sink and I breathed a sigh of relief! And to top it all off it was absolutely delicious!

So being on a diet, as I am, I've adapted this fabulousness and now enjoy it as satisfying breakfast (or lunch or dinner!)

Serves One. Make more if there are more people (do I really need to say this? I don't think so.)

Half a Package of firm tofu cut into slices like in the picture at the beginning of this recipe.
1 teaspoon olive oil
About 1 tablespoon of "fish seasoning" spice which you can buy at most super markets.
1 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice
1-2 cloves garlic, sliced
One piece of toast


In a glass baking thingy, smear the olive oil on both sides of each tofu slice.
Sprinkle the lemon juice over the now oiled tofu slices.
Sprinkle the spice liberally over the whole lot. Use more if you like. It won"t hurt you.
Place the garlic slices on top, evenly distributed

Bake in the oven at 200°C for 20-25 minutes.

Put toast in toaster. When it pops up, remove it.

Serve the tofu on the toast! Enjoy!

Now here's the nutritional information:

Calories: 283
Fat: 13.8 grams
Carbs: 17.8 grams
Protein: 22 grams (!!)


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